
critical region 【統計學】判域。

critical situation

A non - critical region of code , on the other hand , is a region where the common language runtime can guarantee that an abort or a failure will affect only the task upon which the error occurs 從另一方面來說,非關鍵代碼區域是這樣一個區域,公共語言運行庫在該區域中能夠保證中止或失敗只會對出錯的任務產生影響。

A critical region of code is any space where the common language runtime cannot guarantee that aborting a task or failing to complete a request for resources will affect only the current task 關鍵代碼區域是這樣一個區域,公共語言運行庫在該區域中無法保證中止任務或未能完成資源請求只會對當前任務產生影響。

A critical region is any section of code that must be completely executed by any kernel control path that enters it before another kernel control path can enter it 臨界區:當內核正在執行處于臨界區內的代碼的時候,在該內核控制路徑沒有執行完臨界區的代碼之前,任何其它內核控制路徑不能進入該臨界區。

Because of the interaction , correlation of the potentials between dipoles comes into being in the critical region , and then lead to the occurrence of ferroelectrics phase transition 在臨界區,電偶極矩的勢形成關聯,并最終導致相變的發生。

By using signal sets and a signal mask , the critical region of code can be protected from a specific set of signals , as follows 通過使用信號設置和信號掩碼,代碼的關鍵區域可以被保護起來不受一組特定信號的影響,如下:

A failure occurred during an attempt to allocate a resource , such as a thread , a block of memory , or a lock , in a non - critical region of code 嘗試在非關鍵代碼區域中分配資源(比如線程、內存塊或鎖)的過程中發生故障。

A failure occurred during an attempt to allocate a resource , such as a thread , a block of memory , or a lock , in a critical region of code 嘗試在關鍵代碼區域中分配資源(比如線程、內存塊或鎖)的過程中發生故障。

Researchers think fluctuations of order parameters are not independent , but are associated in the critical region 認為在臨界點附近不同點的序參量的漲落不是相互獨立的,它們彼此有關聯。

The host can specify policy actions to be take when a rude thread abort occurs in a non - critical region of code 宿主可以指定在非關鍵代碼區域出現線程強制中止時所采取的策略操作。

The host can specify policy actions to be taken when a rude thread abort occurs in a critical region of code 宿主可以指定在關鍵代碼區域出現線程強制中止時所采取的策略操作。

The monitor , as defined so far , is similar in many respects to the critical region 監控程序,就象到目前為止所定義的,在許多方面與臨界區是相似的。

Describe the critical regions of comparison for the proposed experiment 針對此設計好的實驗,描述比較的關鍵區域。

Regular unbiassed critical regions 正則無偏臨界域

For more information on critical and non - critical regions of code , see 有關關鍵和非關鍵代碼區域的信息,請參見